GREEN MECH Vietnam is the most professional manufacturer and supplier of wood chipping lines in Vietnam, participating in bidding packages for designing and providing disc chipper systems for large woodworking projects and factories. GREEN MECH Vietnam has the capacity and experience in helping investors succeed in investing in disc shredder systems.
Profile to participate in the project of a professional wood chipping line
- Design profile of professional wood chipping line.
- GREEN MECH portfolio and installation experience.
- Letter of offer for necklaces
- The detailed cost estimate constitutes the offer price.
- The functional records demonstrate financial capacity.
Technical requirements for professional wood chipping line projects
Disc shredder design scope requirements
- Input wood material : Optimum diameter of wood grade for round wood max Ø250.
- Output wood material: finished chip size 2-7 mm.
- Output: for example 20-25 tons/h
- Guaranteed according to industry standards 04TCN 56: 2002
- All equipment is 100% new built. Motor – gear reducer quote can have 2 options 100% new and used.
- The system includes:
+ Feed roller.
+ Conveyor feeds to the chopper, Conveyor leads from the chopper to the floor machine, the conveyor after the floor machine.
+ Chopper (bottom discharge)
+ Floor machine.
+ Long conveyor belt 15m . high
Requirements for professional wood chipping line design
General requirements
- There are separate installation drawings for each system (on the assembly drawings showing the location of each specific detail, with clear quotations)
- Machining detail drawings of damaged parts (tools, shafts, rollers, bearings …)
- There are installation drawings of the whole system with specific annotations and quotes.
- There is a drawing of the installation site.
Conveyor system
- Two smooth rubber conveyor belts B500x5500mm, 5 layers, 12mm thick (standard jis k6322).
- Two intermediate smooth rubber conveyor belts B600x6600mm, 5 layers, 10mm thick (standard jis k6322).
- A rubber conveyor belt for material yard B1000x37000mm, 5 layers, 10mm thick (standard jis k6322).
- Inlet conveyors must have barriers to ensure safe operation of workers.
- The locations of the slugs must be protected.
- Install emergency stop buttons in locations where there are operators and frequent breakdowns.
Disc chipper in a professional wood chipping line system:
- Number of choppers 8, material SKD61
- Motor power 160 kw, siemens (if any)
- Loading door: 330 x 320
- Chopper size > 1,400 x 100
- Material of chopping shaft bearing steel C45
- Chopper > 380 x 150 x 16
- CT3 steel body (12-30mm), 2 layers of protective paint if available
- Use bolts with durability grade > 12.9 for the positions of the knife and the knife base, the rest install bolts with a durability of 8.8
- There is a spare set of knives included with the machine.
- All must be dynamically balanced before being assembled and put into operation.
- Wood chipper with blowdown design.
Requirements for electrical control system
- There are full dynamic drawings, connection + control drawings, equipment installation drawings on the professional woodchip cutting line electrical cabinets.
- Nameplate must be marked: On the Panel of electrical cabinets, control wires, power lines.
- The power cord shall be marked with identification for each phase,
- The electrical diagram must be properly connected according to the drawings. The drawings must be approved by the investor before implementation.
- Control wires must use the correct colors according to regulations: 220v source, 24 Vdc source,
- There must be an overcurrent protective thermal relay installed on the line,
- Electrical cabinets must be installed for dust- and moisture-proof environments.
- There must be an electronic relay that gives a signal to the warning light of the motor being overloaded and disconnects the feed belt from feeding to the chopper until the overload is over and the conveyor continues to work again.
- Must short-circuit the time relay: After pressing the stop button, the chopper must be disconnected from the conveyor belt and after 15 minutes (will be adjusted to reality) the chopper will be stopped.
- Use softsart soft starter.
- External control power source using 24V source (emergency stop buttons, limit switches, sensors …)
- At locations where electrical equipment is operated, there should be an emergency stop button when a fault is detected, and an emergency stop button at positions on the conveyor belt, on the finished product vibrating screen, on the inlet feed floor…
- Install warning lights at important positions: fire alarm, overload…
- The electrical cabinet must have a protective meca plate on the outside of the equipment.
Requirements on maintenance and maintenance of professional wood chipping line
- The system is guaranteed to operate 24/7.
- There is a list of supplies and spare parts with full technical information for electrical equipment (CB, timer + base, relay + base, contactor, 24V power board, sensor, limit, fuse …)
- There is a list of supplies and spare parts with full technical information for mechanical equipment and replacement easily damaged machine parts (bearings, bearings, springs, seals, joints, knives, tools, etc.) axles…)
- There is a list of supplies and spare parts with full technical information for pneumatic and hydraulic equipment, if any (pipelines, valves, cylinders, pressure regulators, steam heads, throttles…)
- There is a list of periodic maintenance as recommended (time to refill grease, replacement time for equipment with specified life spans such as bearings, supports, belts, belts, seals …)
- The elevated positions need a working platform for maintenance work.
- Lubrication positions must be placed in positions that are easy to operate (such as grease nipples must rotate out, protective crankcases must have oil filling holes …)
- There are operating manuals, error warnings or errors, accidents causing accidents at unsafe locations…
- There is CO-CQ (documents certifying the origin of the installed equipment)
In this article, GREEN MECH Vietnam shares information related to the requirements of building a professional wood chipping line in projects where GREEN MECH has participated in consulting, designing, supplying and installing equipment and technology transfer of woodchip production.
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